Monday, January 31, 2011

Lemon Cheese Sauce for Chicken

I tasted grilled chicken with lemon cheese sauce when I was admitted into the hospital last week. I loved the food & tried to find the closest recipe i could find that i think would near the taste:

Chicken Wrapped Asparagus with Lemon Cheese Sauce

2 Boneless skinless chicken breasts
10 Asparagus spears about 5” to 6” long
4 strips fresh orange zest/peel (3 by 1 inch)
2 TBS of butter
2 TBS of olive oil


Lemon Cheese Sauce:

2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of flour
1 cup of hot milk (not boiling)
1 dash of salt
1 dash of pepper
2 egg yolks, beaten
1/2 cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice


Heat oven to 400F.

Trim the asparagus to about 6 inches long. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper and place them on a cutting board. Cover with a layer of plastic wrap and pound with the smooth side of a meat mallet until thin, even and flat.

Lay 5 asparagus across the narrow side of 1 flattened breast. Add 2 strips of zest and wrap the chicken around the asparagus to make a bundle. Secure with toothpicks. Repeat with the remaining chicken and asparagus.

Heat the butter and oil in a large skillet on medium heat, and sauté the chicken bundles 2 minutes on each side, seam down first to maintain the shape of the roll. Transfer the chicken rolls to a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet; cover with foil until ready for the final baking.

In the meantime, make the cheese sauce. Melt butter in a sauce pan over low heat. Whisk in flour gradually and constantly until you have a paste (roux), gradually add the milk and cook over low heat, whisking constantly until thick and bubbling. Season with salt and white pepper.

Slowly add a small portion of the heated sauce to the whipped egg yolks to “temper” the yolks. Whisk constantly so the yolks do not cook or harden. Add the remainder of the hot/heated sauce; add cheese and lemon juice. Stir 2-3 minutes over low heat.

Brush the chicken rolls with the remaining butter/olive oil from the sautéed chicken rolls, and bake the chicken rolls in a pre-heated 400F.oven for an additional 12-15 minutes.

Spoon cheese sauce over the entire chicken roll. Serve with your favorite salad and dressing. Raspberry vinaigrette goes extremely well with this recipe.

Seafood with Orange Beurre Blanc Sauce

I took this recipe from I happen to have such a bountiful stock of oranges since it is near Chinese New Year. When i made the sauce, I thought it was a bit too runny so I also added a teaspoon of flour to try to thicken it. The winning ingredient is definitely the butter. Spread it on your fish & even the rice, delissimo! Oh, i forgot to put salt & pepper & the wine too haha... it still tasted great!

Beurre Blanc is a French sauce ("white butter") based on a reduction of shallots and an acid such as vinegar, citrus juice, or wine, mixed in with cold butter. Its creamy tanginess works well with mild fish such as trout, shad, or haddock. It may also be served with any shellfish including lobster, crab, and scallops. This recipe comes from a cooking class I took at Scott's Seafood in Folsom, California, presented by Chef David Lamonica.

Orange Beurre Blanc Sauce for Seafood Recipe


2 oranges
1/2 cup white wine
2 teaspoons minced shallots
1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter --> Note 1 stick = 1/4 x 250gr. About 1/3 of a butter block (200gr)
Salt and white pepper


1 Zest half of one orange (about 2 teaspoons) and juice the two oranges (about 3/4 cup). Put the juice, zest, wine and shallots in a sauce pan on medium high heat. Cook until it is syrupy and almost gone.
2 On low heat, whisk in the butter continuously and vigorously, 1 tablespoon at a time. Butter is the only emulsifier for this sauce, and if you slowly add it, continuously stirring, the sauce will achieve a silky smooth texture. Do not let the sauce boil.
3 Add salt and pepper to taste.
Makes about 1 cup.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Caesar's Salad - Anna Olson

Bread (Baguette, sliced)
1 egg
anchovy paste
black pepper
salt if needed

1. Fry bacon, keep the oil on the pan.
2. Slice bread, cut into cubes, heat the bread with the bacon oil
other method: Mix bread with olive oil + slices of garlic (1/2 hour simmered into the olive oil prior)

To make the sauce:
3. Boil egg (1)
4. 2-3 cloves of garlic. Mix well with the oil. 1-2 teaspoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of anchovy paste, 1/3 of lemon juice (add more to taste), finely sliced parmesan, black pepper crushed. Mixed together. A bit of olive oil too i think.
ps: According to Jamie: Oil : Lemon = 3: 1
5. Grate the yellow of the egg to te sauce. Mix the sauce. White of the egg to be cut in small pieces & mixed with salad. Dilute with a bit of water to expand the sauce
6. Cut romaine lettuce & mix with sauce.
ps: Only cut lettuce with knife if it is to be eaten right away, otherwise better cut with hands
7. Slice parmesan with fruit peeler & garnish on top of salad. Add bacons too.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chinese Basil Chicken With Eggplant


How to make it

  • Chop your chicken into bite sized pieces and set aside
  • Dice your scallions, eggplant and bell pepper and set aside
  • Heat a wok on the highest possible flame and when hot add your scallions and cook for 2 min, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon and remove to a dish.
  • To the same wok, add your cubed bell pepper and cook on high flame for about 5 min, stirring constantly
  • Add your bamboo shoots, cook on high for about 2 min and set aside
  • Do the same with the eggplant, while cooking after about 4 min, add your 2 tbs of oil and fry for another 3-4 min and set aside ( the eggplant should soak all the oil)
  • Using a mortar and pestle, pulverize your garlic and ginger.
  • Add 1 tbs of oil in the wok and again on the highest heat possible, fry your ginger and garlic for about 1 min.
  • Add your diced chicken to this and cook for 3-4 mins
  • Add your oyster sauce, soy sauce, sweet and sour sauce and water and cook for another 6 min.
    • Add your veggies and basil and cook for 4 mins.
    • Serve with hot white rice or noodles.

Ayam Goreng Bumbu Kuning
Resep Ayam Goreng Bumbu Kuning

Bahan :
1 ekor ayam, potong menjadi 12 bagian
6 lbr daun jeruk
garam secukupnya
500 cc air
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Bumbu dihaluskan :
5 siung bawang putih
3 ruas kunyit
1 btg sereh (pakai bagian putihnya)
2 ruas lengkuas
2 sdm ketumbar

Cara membuatnya :
Campur ayam, air, bumbu halus, daun jeruk dan garam secukupnya lalu ungkep sampai ayamnya empuk dan bumbu meresap.
Panaskan minyak goreng lalu masukkan beberapa potong ayam, goreng sampai permukaannya garing, angkat dan sajikan.

Martabak Mini

Resep Bahan Martabak Mini :
  • 10 lembar kulit lumpia kualitas baik
  • 5 butir telur bebek/ayam, kocok rata
  • 4 batang daun bawang, iris halus
  • 50 gram bawang bombai, cincang halus
  • minyak goreng secukupnya
Resep Bahan Isi Martabak Mini :
  • 5 butir bawang merah, haluskan
  • 4 siung bawang putih, haluskan
  • 200 gram daging giling
  • 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1/4 sendok teh cabai merah bubuk
  • 1 sendok teh bumbu gulai siap beli
  • 100 ml santan kental dari 1/4 butir kelapa
  • garam halus secukupnya
Cara Membuat Martabak Mini :
  1. Isi : Panaskan 3 sendok makan minyak goreng, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan daging giling, aduk hingga daging berubah warna. Tambahkan merica bubuk, cabai merah bubuk, bumbu gulai, dan garam. Tuang santan sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk hingga daging matang dan santan habis. Angkat, lalu tempatkan dlam wadah dan biarkan dingin.
  2. Tambahkan daun bawang dan bawang bombai ke dalam adonan. Masukkan telur kocok, aduk rata.
  3. Panaskan wajan atau pan dadar di atas api kecil, beri 2-3 sendok makan minyak goreng. Letakkan selembar kulit lumpia, beri 1 sendok makan bahan isi, lipat menyerupai amplop (jaga agar bahan isi berada di dalam lipatan). Balik jika kulit di bagian bawah sudah mulai matang. Setelah kedua sisinya kuning kecoklatan, angkat dan tiriskan.
  4. Lakukan sampai bahan habis. Setiap kali akan menggoreng, tambahkan 1-2 sendok makan minyak goreng.
Selamat mencoba Resep Martabak Mini

Kroket Keju Gulung 

Resep Bahan Kulit Kroket Keju Gulung :
  • susu cair 100 ml
  • tepung terigu protein sedang 100 gram
  • margarin 4 sendok makan
  • garam 1/4 sendok teh
  • merica bubuk 1/8 sendok teh
  • kuning telur 2 butir
  • kentang kukus 500 gram, haluskan
  • minyak goreng 500 ml
Resep Bahan Isi Kroket Keju Gulung :
  • keju chedar 200 gram, potong balok 1x1x5 cm
  • daging asap 16 lembar, potong persegi panjang ukuran 5×10 cm
  • mayones 3 sendok makan
Resep Bahan Lapisan Kroket Keju Gulung :
  • tepung terigu protein sedang 2 sendok makan
  • putih telur 2 butir
  • tepung pangko 150 gram
Cara Membuat Kroket Keju Gulung :
  1. Masak susu cair dan margarin hingga margarin larut.
  2. Masukkan terigu, garam, dan merica, aduk hingga kalis atau tidak lengket di panci. Angkat dan aduk hingga uapnya hilang.
  3. Masukkan kentang dan kuning telur, aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan.
  4. Ambil selembar daging asap, oles dengan mayones.
  5. Letakkan keju di atas daging asap, gulung dan rapikan.
  6. Ambil 2 sdm adonan kentang, pipihkan. Letakkan keju gulung di atasnya. Bentuk kroket seperti tabung.
  7. Gulingkan kroket di atas terigu, angkat. Celup dalam putih telur, angkat dan tiriskan.
  8. Gulingkan di atas tepung pangko hingga rata.
  9. Panaskan minyak, goreng hingga kuning kecokelatan. Angkat dan tiriskan. Sajikan.
Untuk 16 buah

Cap Cai

I made cap cai today. sepertinya sih yg bikin enak: 1. kaldu ayam; 2. banyak potongan ayam.
ayamnya sendiri sudah direbus dahulu (utk dptin kaldunya). sayurnya jg yg lagi ada aja: kol (4 lmbr aja); bunga kol; wortel; celery stalk yg tebel; jagung kecil; sedikit tomat.
bumbu: bwng putih; bombay; kecap asin; saos tiram; sedikit minyak ikan. gula/garam/merica secukupnya.

berikut resep cap cai istimewa (pakai kee kian) dari femina/website evi: 
Bahan Cap Cai:

3 sdm margarin
6 siung bawang putih, cincang
250 gr udang, buang kulit, belah punggungnya
1/2 ekor ayam, ambil dagingnya, potong ukuran 2x2 cm
100 gr bawang bombay, potong kecil-kecil
300 gr tomat, potong kecil-kecil
250 gr wortel, potong tipis serong
500 cc kaldu (ambil dari rebusan tulang ayam)
1/2 sdt merica halus
bumbu penyedap
1 sdt minyak wijen
1 sdm saus tiram
5 lembar kol, potong ukuran 2x2 cm
250 gr kembang kol, potong-potong
6 tangkai caisim, potong-potong
100 gr jamur, belah dua
4 batang daun bawang, potong-potong 2 cm
3 batang seledri, potong ukuran 2 cm
1 sdm tepung kanji, larutkan dalam sedikit air
50 gr soun, potong-potong, rendam dalam air mendidih

Bahan Keekian:

250 gr udang, kupas kulitnya, cincang
25 gr tepung terigu
1 butir telur
garam, merica halus
1 butir telur, kocok, buat dadar tipis sebanyak 2 lembar
daun pisang untuk pembungkus

Cara Membuat:

  1. Keekian: Aduk jadi satu: udang, tepung terigu, telur, garam dan merica. Gulung adonan ini dalam telur dadar. Bungkus dengan daun pisang. Kukus sampai matang
  2. Setelah matang, angkat dan dinginkan. Potong-potong keekian setebal 1/2 cm. Sisihkan
  3. Panaskan margarin. Tumis bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan udang dan daging ayam
  4. Setelah udang berubah warna dan daging ayam kaku, masukkan bawang bombay, tomat, dan wortel. Tuangkan kaldu, tambahkan merica, garam, bumbu penyedap, minyak wijen, dan saus tiram. Aduk
  5. Setelah daging ayam lunak, masukkan berturut-turut: kol, kembang kol, caisim, jamur, daun bawang, dan seledri. Aduk sampai semua bahan cukup masak
  6. Masukkan larutan tepung kanji. Aduk sampai mengental. Terakhir masukkan soun dan keekian. Aduk sebentar dan angkat. Hidangkan sewaktu panas

untuk 8 orang - Sumber: Rahasia Ratu Dapur Femina 94

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Perfect Boiled Egg

How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

1 First make sure that you are using eggs that are several days old. If this is Easter time, and everyone is buying their eggs at the last minute, buy your eggs 5 days in advance of boiling. (See the reference to using old eggs in Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking). Hard boiling farm fresh eggs will invariably lead to eggs that are difficult to peel. If you have boiled a batch that are difficult to peel, try putting them in the refrigerator for a few days; they should be easier to peel then.

2 Put the eggs in a single layer in a saucepan, covered by at least an inch or two of cold water. Starting with cold water and gently bringing the eggs to a boil will help keep them from cracking. Adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the water will help keep the egg whites from running out of any eggs that happen to crack while cooking, but some people find that the vinegar affects the taste. I don't have a problem with it and I usually add a little vinegar. Adding a half teaspoon of salt is thought to help both with the preventing of cracking and making the eggs easier to peel. Put the burner on high and bring the eggs to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, remove the pan from the heat for a few seconds.

3 Reduce the heat to low, return the pan to the burner. Let simmer for one minute. (Note I usually skip this step because I don't notice the eggs boiling until they've been boiling for at least a minute! Also, if you are using an electric stove with a coil element, you can just turn off the heat. There is enough residual heat in the coil to keep the eggs simmering for a minute.)

4 After a minute, remove the pan from the heat, cover, and let sit for 12 minutes. If you are doing a large batch of eggs, after 10 minutes you can check for doneness by sacrificing one egg, removing it with a slotted spoon, running it under cold water, and cutting it open. If it isn't done, cook the other eggs a minute or two longer. The eggs should be done perfectly at 10 minutes, but sometimes, depending on the shape of the pan, the size of the eggs, the number of eggs compared to the amount of water, and how cooked you like them, it can take a few minutes more. When you find the right time that works for you given your pan, the size of eggs you usually buy, the type of stove top you have, stick with it.

I also find that it is very hard to overcook eggs using this method. I can let the eggs sit, covered, for up to 15-20 minutes without the eggs getting overcooked.

5 Either remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and place them into a bowl of ice water (this is if you have a lot of eggs) OR strain out the water from the pan, fill the pan with cold water, strain again, fill again, until the eggs cool down a bit. Once cooled, strain the water from the eggs. Store the eggs in a covered container (eggs can release odors) in the refrigerator. They should be eaten within 5 days.

Vegetable Chips

Kale Chips

• kale
• 1 Tbsp. olive oil
• coarse salt

1. Wash and let dry one head of kale.
2. Cut leaves from thick stem and cut or tear into bite/chip-sized pieces, placing them in a good-sized bowl.
3. Drizzle in olive oil. I usually drizzle about half of it, then toss kale and drizzle the rest. You’ll think 1 Tbsp. isn’t enough for all that kale, but you’ll be surprised — it totally is.
4. Sprinkle with sea salt or another coarse salt (pink Hawaiian sea salt I got as a baby shower favor recently was delicious!). You can do this once they are on baking sheets or while tossing.
5. Spread on 1-2 baking sheets (depending on how much you have) in a single layer, but don’t sweat it if there’s a little overlap. They shrink a bit while baking.
6. Bake at 325 or so for 20-25 minutes, or until the edges of the kale begin to brown and the pieces are crispy.


Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread

- 5 lembar roti gandum (nasib, ga nemu roti yang bener)
- 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
- 1/4 sdt garam
- 1 sdt olive oil (harusnya extra virgin, tapi yang udah kebuka extra light jadi gue pake aja)
- 1 sdt parsley cicang
- 1/4 stick butter, room temperature

Cara membuat:
- campur semua bahan jadi satu lalu oleskan pada kedua sisi roti gandum
- bungkus dengan alufoil lalu panggang dalam oven selama 15 menit
- buka alufoil lalu panggang sekitar 5 menit lagi (atau ketika sudah mencapai kerenyahan yang diinginkan)

Magnolia Banana Pudding

Magnolia The Banana Pudding, resep from slesta, with tips from Otty

Konon ini adalah the famous Magnolia’s banana pudding dari NY. Kenapa gue bilang konon? Simply karena gue blom pernah ke NY dan gue blom pernah makan Magnolia’s banana pudding

Tapi serius, pudding ini enak banget. Dapet resep aslinya dari sLesta, dan setelah menunggu beberapa bulan demi dapet JellO instant vanilla pudding baru deh gue bisa nyoba bikin.

- 1 pak JellO instant vanilla pudding
- 1/2 kaleng susu kental manis
- 600 ml whipping cream (tapi gue pake 500 ml)
- 2 cangkir air dingin
- pisang, iris
- Nilla wafer (gue pake ladyfinger)

- campur air dingin dan susu kental manis.
- masukkan JellO ke dalam campuran tersebut, aduk rata.
- diamkan selama minimal 4 jam di dalam lemari es.
- setelah 4 jam, kocok whipping cream hingga kaku.
- masukkan whipping cream ke dalam adonan pudding dingin, aduk rata.
- susun dalam wadah: sebagian adonan pudding – pisang – ladyfinger – sisa adonan pudding.
- simpan dalam kulkas dan diamkan 4 jam lagi agar ladyfinger menjadi lunak.
- siap dimakan

Gue udah pernah bikin pudding ini 3x, dengan rincian begini:
Percobaan pertama:
- karena ga nemu JellO gue pake Haan;
- entah salah baca resep ato gimana, gue pake 1 kaleng susu kental manis;
- mengikuti resep sesat yang gue liat (bukan resepnya sLesta) gue ga ngediemin adonan pudding selama 4 jam tapi langsung gue campur sama whipping cream;
- hasilnya GATOT: puddingnya kemanisan, encer, dan berakhir sia-sia di cucian piring.

Percobaan kedua:
- trauma sama percobaan pertama, kali ini resepnya (hampir) gue ikutin kata per kata, kecuali jumlah whipping creamnya;
- gue pake whipping cream Anchor, cepet banget kakunya;
- tekstur adonan puddingnya agak kaku dan bisa diratakan pake spatula/sendok;
- gue ga sabar dan langsung makan puddingnya sebelum 4 jam.

Percobaan ketiga:
- gue pake whipping cream Elle&Vire dan menurut gue butuh waktu agak lama untuk kaku setelah dikocok;
- ngerasa udah bisa bikin pudding dengan oke, gue agak-agak ngasal buatnya;
- bukannya nyampur whipping cream ke dalam Jello, gue nyampur JellO ke dalam whipping cream;
- hasilnya adonan puddingnya jadi encer banget dan harus gue ambil pake sendok sayur;
- gue deg-degan banget karena takut gagal (trauma percobaan pertama), nyari JellO di mana lagi dooong..
- alhamdulillah setelah didiemin beberapa menit permukaan puddingnya jadi agak kaku dan setelah disimpen di kulkas tampak memuaskan.

Dari 3 percobaan itu, kira-kira ini dos and don’ts yang bisa gue rangkum:
- jangan iseng ngeganti JellO sama merk lain;
- turutin resepnya baik-baik daripada lo sport jantung kayak gue;
- jangan makan puddingnya sebelum 4 jam karena ladyfingernya masih agak keras dan ngasih aftertaste bitter di mulut.

Waduh, kayaknya petuah-petuah gue menyalahi ilmu hypnoparenting untuk menghindari kata “jangan” ya But you know what I mean kan? Bon appetite!

Cinnamon French Toast

Cinnamon French Toast (from Otty)

Cinnamon French Toast

Ini menu praktis yang enak buat sarapan, apalagi dimakan hangat sambil minum kopi/susu/teh Resep ini bisa untuk 4-6 lembar roti ya (tergantung ukuran rotinya).

2 butir telur (gue pake telur ayam kampung kalo untuk Nara)
100 ml susu
1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk
1 sdt gula pasir
1 sdt vanilli bubuk

Cara membuat:
- Campur semua bahan kecuali butter jadi satu di dalam mangkuk yang lebar dan dangkal
- Olesi butter tipis-tipis pada roti
- Celupkan roti yang sudah diolesi butter ke dalam adonan telur (jangan lama-lama ya)
- Goreng menggunakan wajan yang sudah dipanaskan
- Bisa juga butter tidak dioleskan pada roti, tapi butter digunakan untuk menggoreng. Either way tetep enak kok

Steak Burger with Pepper Sauce

Steak burgers with pepper sauce

for 4 servings:
450 g (1 lb) lean minced beef
1 egg
25 g (1 oz) fresh breadcrumbs
1 onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp green peppercorns
1 tbsp vegetable oil
25 g (1 oz) butter
3 tbsp brandy
150 ml (1/4 pt) double cream

1. Mix together the beef, egg, breadcrumbs, onion and salt. Divide into 8 and shape into small burgers. Coarsely crush half the peppercorns. Sprinkle over burgers and press on to the surface.
2. Preheat oven 130°C/250°F/gas 2. Heat .the oil and butter in a fryinq pan, add the burgers and fry for 2 - 3 minutes per side.
3. Reduce heat and . continue cooking for 2 - 8 minutes according to taste.
4. Remove from pan and keep warm in oven.
5. Add brandy to pan. . Remove from heat. Set alight. When flames have died down, stir in cream and remaining peppercorns.
6. Season with salt, reheat gently and pour over steaks just before serving.

Coat your hands in flour when shaping the burgers to make them easier to handle.

Banana Pudding Sefa

nambah ya, gue juga punya resep banana pudding, hasil ngutak-ngatik didapur.. kata temen-temen sih enak, kalo gak percaya silahkan dicoba, gampang banget, gak perlu pake mixer

Banana Pudding
Recipe by Sefa, inspired by Donauwelle's recipe

4 very ripe bananas, peeled, ring sliced
1½ pack lady finger (150 gr)
Custard Cream:
1/2 liter fresh milk
1 pack of custard powder (37 gr)
150 gr butter
100 gr granulated sugar

Cocoa powder

Custard Cream:
1. Take 5 tablespoons of milk (from the half liter milk), mix with custard powder and sugar. Mix well until dissolved.
2. Cook the rest of milk in a sauce pan over small heat. When it almost boil, remove from the heat then add custard mixture gradually and stir to avoid the lump.
3. Return the pan to the heat, continue cooking and stirring continuously until thickened. Turn off the heat and add butte into the sauce pan. Mix until melted. Set aside.

1. Place lady finger in a glass alternately with banana slices. Pour custard cream over. Garnish with cocoa powder. Repeat the steps until finished.
2. Store in fridge before serving.

Jamie Oliver Baked Chicken with Potato and Tomato

I recently caught an episode of Jamie (Oliver) at Home and he did a show on potatoes. The dish that stood out for me was his baked chicken thighs with an array of tomatoes and squashed potatoes.
This dish looks very Greek, the ingredients are quite Greek but the approach...pure Jamie. I'm going to show you my take on this dish...shake up the ingredients a bit and relay a couple of worthy moves Jamie makes in this dish.
Jamie's prep involves three major steps: blanching a medley of heirloom tomatoes to remove the skins, boning and cutting the thighs into smaller pieces and boiling the potatoes before baking.
There are no local heirloom tomatoes(at this time) so I opted for sweet, cherry tomatoes. I boned and cut the thighs into smaller pieces but you may leave the thighs in tact. As for boiling the potatoes, this step is integral to the dish. The boiled potatoes get slightly squished before being place in the roasting pan with the remaining ingredients. This step no doubt is important for what will give you a dish with crispy roast potatoes that are flavoured by the juices of all the ingredients.

I've also made some changes to the herbs. I used dry oregano (Jamie uses fresh). Dry oregano is one of the few instances where it beats out the fresh variety. I also added some fresh rosemary into the apt addition to a dish of chicken and potatoes.

Jamie has a winner with this meal, there were no leftovers, it's easy to make and if you're Greek, Italian or you enjoy Mediterranean foods, this chicken's for you.

Jamie Oliver's Baked Chicken Thighs
(for 4)

2 trays of chicken thighs, skin on (about 8-10), boned and cut in half)
1 pint. ripe cherry tomatoes
6 medium sized potatoes, peeled
6 cloves of garlic, sliced
1 Tbsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. fresh rosemary, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
juice of 1/2 lemon

1. Bone your chicken thighs, cut into smaller pieces (I halved them), season them with salt and pepper and brown them in olive oil. Reserve in the roasting pan.
2. Boil your potatoes in salted water until cooked and then slightly squish each potato and add to the pan with the chicken.
3. Prick one end of your tomatoes and drop them in boiling water for a mere 45 seconds. Fish the tomatoes out of the water and place in another pot with cold water. Now gently pinch each tomato and the skins will easily come off. Discard the skins and add the tomatoes into the roasting pan.
4. Drizzle with oilve oil, add the garlic, lemon juice, oregano and rosemary and some additional salt and pepper.
5. Give the ingredients a gentle toss and place in a pre-heated 375F oven for 40 minutes.

Asem-Asem Buncis

Asem-Asem Buncis Ibu (Mom' Sweet and Sour Bean Stew)

Recipe by my Sefa's mom, modified by Sefa

200 gr beans, angle sliced
500 gr beef gulash, cut into small cube (as desired)
2 cups of beef broth (from boiling the meat)
5 small red onion (bawang merah), finely sliced*
3 cloves of garlic, finely sliced
1 tomato, diced
4 green chilies, angle sliced
4 red chilies, finely sliced
1 knucklebone galangal, finely sliced
4 Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam)**
4 tbsp Indonesian sweet soy sauce
Lime juice from one slice lime
Salt to taste
Fried red onion (bawang goreng)
Cooking oil for sautéing

1. Boil the meat until soft. Set aside and keep the water.
2. Heat oil in a wok pan. Sauté red onion, garlick, red chilies, green chilies, tomato, galangal and bay leaves, until fragrant. kuas dan daun salam, sampai harum.
3. Add bean, stir fry for a while.
4. Add beef, cook by stirring for a minute.
5. Pour into beef broth. Season with sweet soy sauce, salt and lime juice, mix well. Adjust the taste until it tastes sweet and sour.
6. Bring to a boil over small heat until the bean is enough soft.
7. Sprinkle with fried onion, mix well and remove from the heat.
8. Serve with steamed rice. Yummy!

* you can substitute 5 small red onion by one medium size onion
** you can substitute Indonesian bay leaves with curry leaves or with any bay leaves
sefa firdaus

Oseng2 daging

Oseng2 daging

Bahan daging:
Daging, potong dadu/kecil
Saus tiram
Kecap manis
Bawang putih, cincang halus

Bahan bawang:
Minyak goreng untuk menumis
Bawang bombay, potong kotak
Cabe merah, potong serong
Cabe rawit, rajang (kalo suka)
Bawang putih, geprek

Cara membuat:
-Dalam wadah campurkan semua bahan daging. Diamkan selama 1 jam. Saus tiram jangan terlalu banyak ato didiamkannya jangan terlalu lama karena nanti rasa dagingnya jadi asin banget (pengalaman pribadi, dagingnya gue diemin 2 malem karena lupa ).
-Tumis semua bahan sebentar aja, jangan sampai terlalu layu karena nanti akan dimasak lagi bersama daging.
- Daging yang telah didiamkan dimasak menggunakan wajan, tunggu hingga air dagingnya keluar. Setelah
airnya mengering, coba cek tingkat keempukan daging.
Kalo daging dirasa masih agak keras, bisa ditambahkan air lagi dan dipanaskan lagi hingga agak mengering.
- Setelah daging cukup empuk, masukkan bawang yang udah ditumis. Aduk2 hingga rata dan panaskan sebentar lagi.

Siap dimakan...

Kaldu Sapi

kaldu sapi
-  daging sapi bagian kaki (atau bagian apa aja yg
banyak tulang, sumsum dan lemaknya)  --> tinggal ganti
ayam kalo mau bikin kaldu ayam, atau gak usah pake
daging/ayam kalo mau veggie
- 1 buah bawang bombay utuh
- 1 buah wortel utuh (dibersihin dulu kulitnya)
- 1 buah daun bawang besar (kalo disini namanya poree,
atau daun bawang biasa)
- 1 buah seledri (boleh pake boleh enggak)
- air secukupnya
masak dengan api besar sampai air mendidih, setelah mendidih kecilkan api, biarkan sampai air berkurang dan pekat (boleh juga ditutup pancinya)
fyi, bawang bombay itu selain bisa buat kaldu jadi enak, juga berguna utk menarik kotoran dari daging/ayam

Choco Mug Cake

5 Minutes Choco Mug Cake

You need :
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 microwave-safe mug

How-to :
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
Add the egg and mix thoroughly before pouring in the milk and oil in. Keep mixing.
Add the optional chocolate chips next (who makes that an option!) and vanilla extract, and mix again. (1)
Put your mug in the micro wave and cook for three minutes at1000watts (or Max or High, depends on the microwave).
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed! (2)
Allow it to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired. (3)

EAT ! (this can serve two if you want to)

Lontong Sayur

Lontong Sayur ala slesta

labu siam iris seperti korek api, diremas2 pake garam dan dibilas pake air biasa.
telor rebus
minyak goreng
tempe, diiris2 pajang, mirip kayak labu siam (optional)

bumbu yang dihaluskan:
cabe merah
bawang merah
bawang putih
royco (optional)

bisa ditambahin ini juga, tapi kadang kalo lagi ga ada ya gak gue pakein:

bumbu halus ditumis sampe harum, masukkan labu siam dan tumis hingga tercampur. Tuang santan dan air. jika hampir mendidih masukkan udang (yang bikin kemaren ga pake udang). terakhir masukkan tempe & telor rebus dan masak hingga mendidih. sajikan dengan lontong/ketupat dan kerupuk.

French Toast

French Toast

8 lembar roti tawar tanpa kulit
2 butir telur
1 cangkir susu (250 ml)
1/4 cangkir terigu
1/3 cangkir mentega
Gula halus

Cara masak:
- campur telur, susu dan terigu. Saring dan sisihkan
- lelehkan mentega di wajan
- celup roti tawar dalam adonan, goreng sampai kecoklatan kedua sisinya.
- sajikan dengan gula halus

Dim Sum Siew May

dim sum siu may

- 500 gr udang cincang
- 300 gr daging cincang
- daun bawang cincang
- kecap asin, minyak wijen, kecap ikan dikit
- parutan bawang putih + jahe dikit
- lada + garem
- tepung 3-4 sdm
- kulit pangsit

uleni semua bahan, bungkus di lembaran daun pangsit
(jangan ketutup rapet) terus kukus deh kayak gini

alternatif slesta:
pake fish paste, jadi siomay beneran deh. makan pake bumbu kacang. trus kadang bisa digoreng aja, taro di tahu juga, goreng, jadi batagor.
tp krn di sg gampang dpt ikan tenggiri, gue pk ikan tenggiri yg udah diancurin kasih bumbu & tepung terigu + tepung kanji (tapioca).
kalo bumbu kacang mah gampang! kalo disana susah dapetin kacang tanah, bikin yg instant aja pk peanut
butter. pilih yg smooth ya jangan yg chunky. trus campur pk bawang merah/onion + bawang putih + cabe
rawit (kalo mau pedes) dialuskan trus campur ama peanut butternya di mix pk air panas. ksh kecap manis dikit kalo ada juga boleh.

Pindang Ikan

Pindang Ikan, dijamin lidah berdecap2 saking enaknya!

Bahan :
(bumbu halus)
-12 butir bawang merah
-4 butir bawang putih
-1/2 ruas telunjuk kunyit

-lengluas sebesar jempol,keprak
-4 lembar daun salam
-kecap manis secukupnya
-2 ekor ikan, fillet. paling enak sih kakap merah sama tengiri

Cara membuat :
-haluskan semua bumbu halus
-tumis bumbu halus sampai harum,masukkan lengkuas, daun salam
-tambahkan air,masukkan ikan,lalu tambahkan kecap..
daun salam bisa diganti daun jeruk. tambah asam jika suka.

dhira rahman

Pancake Pisang

Pancake Pisang

8 sdm tepung terigu
3 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt baking soda
1/4 sdt garam
2 sdm mentega (cairkan)
1 butir telur
100 ml yoghurt plain (yang liquid, bukan pasta)
150 ml UHT plain
2 buah pisang, potong kecil2 ato bejek2

Cara membuat:
Campur tepung terigu, gula, garam, baking soda.
Tambahkan yoghurt n UHT.
Masukkan telur n mentega yang sudah dicairkan, lalu tambahkan pisang.
Aduk rata dengan whisker (bener ga sih namanya, intinya jangan pake mixer).
Diamkan sekitar 15 menit, lalu siap digoreng

PS: Bisa juga pake yoghurt pasta, tapi ga usah terlalu banyak (max. 50 ml) n gulanya harus ditambah karena
rasanya bakal cenderung asam...

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